What the critics are saying…
April 14, 2014
Not Yet Begun to Fight chosen by The New York Times as a top television selection for its national premier.
Chaz Ebert reflects on the late Roger Ebert’s response to the film.
Leonard Maltin’s Indiewire review… “This beautifully realized film is humbling, insightful,
and inspiring in the deepest sense of that word.”
LA Times review… “… a lyrical meditation on nature and war…”
The Hollywood Reporter review“Deeply moving…”
The Village Voice review “It stuns…”
NY Times review “The directors, Shasta Grenier and Sabrina Lee, delicately find moments of openness in casual, lapidary interviews with five men at different points in recovery.”
Chicago Sun-Times and Roger Ebert.com (3.5 out of 4 stars) review
Beautiful Chicago Tribune article (Nina Metz).
The Missoulian article here
Check out Huffington Post Live’s 30-minute segment hosted by Jacab Soboroff. Sabrina Lee was joined by Erik Goodge from the film, Pulitzer Prize Winning journalist David Wood, therapist Karen Soltes and Ret. Major Mark Graham to discuss what veterans face upon their return home.
Click Play to hear the Orlando Public Radio interview on WMFE 90.7!
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“Profoundly heartbreaking… inspirational stories…” Ocala Star Banner. Click here to check out Travis Atria’s in-depth piece.
“Poignant… (A) mix of wild beauty and ugly reality...” The Orlando Sentinel. Click here to read the rest of this beautiful article by Kate Santich.
“Profoundly powerful… Expertly crafted…” Examiner.com. Click here for the full, four-star review.
“Harrowing, artful… gives the impression you are getting into the headspace of these men, men whose bravery and skill allowed them to soar above the fray and who have now plunged back to earth…” Burnaway.org. Click here to read the rest of a fantastic review from this super-smart online magazine.
“ “Must-see” is a phrase tossed at many a romantic comedy or summer blockbuster, but when I apply those words here, I mean this: as citizens, it is our obligation to do right by and reach out to those who protect us with their lives. “Not Yet Begun To Fight” is a strenuous but necessary film to watch…” Bozeman Magpie. Click here to see the full article Andrea Smith.
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Thanks to the San Diego Union Tribune for a great piece on the film, and to the San Diego City Beat’s blurb highlighting the film at the 2012 San Diego Film Festival.